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Judgment basis of aluminum profile quality

Views:488 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2021-06-03 00:00:00 Orgin:Site

How to judge the quality of aluminum profile?

First, let's look at the alloy elements: 6063 aluminum alloy is an alloy prepared with aluminum, magnesium and silicon as the main elements. Each element has a certain content, and the price of magnesium is high. Some manufacturers reduce the amount of magnesium to the minimum allowable content in order to reduce costs. In some cases, the content of magnesium is lower than the minimum allowable content. Some factories add waste wires, waste pots and waste aluminum pots to the alloy, which is basically not 6063 alloy. As a result, the mechanical strength of aluminum profile is very low, which can be so low that it is easy to bend with two hands. It is commonly known as "noodles". This is one of the reasons why industrial aluminum can be cheaper by thousands of yuan.

Regular aluminum profile manufacturers have internal standards when preparing alloy components, that is, within the content range of various elements, each factory has its own smaller variation range. The proportion requirements of aluminum, magnesium and silicon are very strict. Each factory has its own data and keeps each other confidential. The quality can only be guaranteed if there is an alloy made of qualified formula. Otherwise, the quality can not be improved if it is processed in the future.

When selecting aluminum manufacturers, users should take aluminum as the main judgment basis, and then conduct on-the-spot investigation on the manufacturers. In order to ensure the high quality of the purchased aluminum materials, users should not buy cheap aluminum materials because they are greedy for cheap, which is a great harm to the product quality.
