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Symbol of wisdom of ancient architecture -- aluminum alloy bucket arch

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Bucket arch

Chinese ancient architecture

Aluminum alloy bucket arch

Dougong is a unique component of Chinese ancient architecture. Square wood blocks are called Dougong, arched short wood is called arch, and inclined long wood is called ang, which is generally called Dougong.


Introduction to the origin of Dou Gong

Bucket arch is a unique structure of Chinese architecture. As a bridge connecting the front and rear, it is at the junction of columns and beams. The picture of Dou Gong has been found from the cultural relics unearthed during the Warring States period more than 2000 years ago. The existence of Dou Gong has a very long history. It can not be used in the people. It can only be found in the imperial palace or temple. Therefore, Dou Gong is also a symbol of identity.

In ancient times, the building bucket arch was made of wood and transmitted the load. However, wooden bucket arches are flammable and easy to crack after long-term outdoor use. Modern building structures are mainly frame and shear wall structures, which do not need additional load-bearing functions. Therefore, the wooden bucket arch has gradually ceased to be used, and the antique architectural bucket arch has been turned to the durable, non combustible and light aluminum alloy bucket arch.


Classification of metal bucket arch

At present, there are three kinds of metal bucket arches commonly used in the market: aluminum alloy bucket arch, stainless steel bucket arch and copper plate bucket arch.

The stainless steel bucket arch is a relatively general material with less color and less rich shape.

The copper plate bucket arch is hard, difficult to process and form, and expensive and costly.

The aluminum alloy bucket arch is made of soft material, easy to form, rich in modeling colors, not easy to oxidize, and the price is cheaper than the previous two types, with the highest cost performance ratio.


Characteristics of aluminum alloy bucket arch

1 Soft aluminum alloy material with low melting point is used for later decoration.

2 Beautiful shape, strong three-dimensional sense, rich color, not easy to fade, and has its own unique charm.

3 The surface is sprayed with fluorocarbon coating, which is resistant to aging and corrosion and suitable for long-term outdoor use.

4 The cost is relatively low, its material is light, easy to install, and can save a lot of labor costs.

5 Cost effective, more suitable for all aspects of ancient architectural bucket arch.

Bucket arch plays an important role in bearing load in ancient buildings and is irreplaceable. In the process of making the Dougong, no nail or glue was used, and we had to admire the wisdom of the ancients. The bucket arches are crisscross and interlocked, connecting the upper and the lower, and can resist earthquakes and bear loads. The bucket arch can decompose the force of the roof of the building, that is, the load action. When an earthquake comes, the bucket arch can consume the energy from the earthquake. It is precisely because of this that those ancient buildings can be preserved to this day.
