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Main construction technology of aluminum veneer curtain wall

Views:400 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2022-07-29 10:28:11 Orgin:Site


01·  Process flow:

Measurement and setting out → installation and verification of connectors → installation of purlins and steel frames → installation of metal plates → plate cleaning and caulking → glue injection and sealing → surface cleaning

02· Technical points:

a.Determine the division according to the design. Determine the datum line and set out according to the division scheme;

bLower the connector according to the design position. The connector adopts l50*50*5 galvanized corner code and M5 galvanized bolt for fixation;

cInstallation of steel framework: the main frame adopts 80*60*3 galvanized square steel pipe, determine the datum measurement error, adjust the horizontal, vertical and spacing errors, weld the frame, the welding should be firm, the weld should be full, and the weld should be polished smooth; The connection with the connector shall be firm;

dInstallation of aluminum veneer insulation sandwich plate:

1.The assembly size of aluminum veneer insulation sandwich board shall meet the installation requirements. The size between aluminum veneer and galvanized plate must be consistent, and the plate surface must be flat without depression and bulge;

2. The connecting corner code of aluminum veneer insulation sandwich board is fixed with pull rivets, which should be fixed firmly and in the correct position;

3.Plate installation: first carry out the preliminary installation of the plate, place the plate at the corresponding installation position, level the angle code, temporarily fix it, and then adjust the plate. The adjustment standard should reach the horizontal and vertical through joints, on the same plane. Fix it immediately after adjustment.

e.Note weatherproof sealant

1.Fill the glue joint: the glue joint is filled with moisture-proof, waterproof, heat-resistant and flame-retardant foaming agent, and foam strips with appropriate specifications and qualified quality are selected to fill the joint to be filled, so as to maintain sufficient friction on the side of the foam fish plate, and the distance between the foam strips and the plate surface is about 5mm after filling;

2.Clean the glue joint: half an hour before glue injection, clean the joint to be injected with clean cloth and xylene, and inject filler. The glue joint should be injected as soon as possible within half an hour of cleaning, and it should be cleaned again after the timeout;

3.Glue scraping: scrape the glue joint in the same direction, and pay attention to the curing time of the sealant.

f.Cleaning closeout

The protective film of aluminum veneer shall be uncovered in the final process. If pollution has occurred, it shall be cleaned with neutral solvent and clean with clean water.


03·Quality requirements

aThe overall surface is flat, clean and consistent in color. There shall be no obvious depression within 5 ㎡. The installation is firm and the glue joint is tight;

bThe slab joint shall be straight and on the same horizontal / vertical line;

cThe angular misalignment of adjacent plates shall not be greater than 1mm;

dThe width of slab joint is consistent, and the error is not greater than 3mm;

eThe height difference of joints between adjacent plates shall not be greater than 1mm.



1.Anti deformation ability: use scientific mechanics to calculate each important part of the curtain wall system, not only considering the effects of wind pressure, self weight, earthquake, temperature and other effects, but also carefully checking the embedded parts, connection system, keel system, panel and fasteners to ensure the safety of the curtain wall;

2.Plate fixing method: the fixed method of fixed distance pressing shall be adopted to ensure the flatness of the curtain wall surface. Because the stress of each fixed point of the plate is inconsistent, it will cause the deformation of the surface material and affect the exterior decoration effect;

3.Floating connection is adopted for the plates: it not only ensures the recovery ability of the curtain wall after deformation, but also ensures the integrity of the curtain wall, which will not deform the curtain wall due to the force, so as to avoid the hair of the bulge or depression on the surface of the curtain wall;

4.Reinforcement measures should be taken for the edge removal of composite surface materials: because the folded edge of composite panel materials only retains the thickness of the front plate, the thickness becomes thinner and the strength decreases, so reinforcement measures should be taken;

5The selection of materials should meet the specifications, standards and design requirements: at present, the quality of materials in the market is also different. Selecting qualified materials is the fundamental to ensure the quality of curtain walls, and strict inspection means and methods must be adopted to ensure the quality of materials;

6.Waterproof sealing should be reasonable: the prices of different sealing methods are also different. Select the appropriate sealing method for the project to ensure the function and exterior decoration effect of the curtain wall. The options are: structural waterproofing, internal waterproofing, gluing and sealing.



Data and pictures come from the Internet
