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What is the magic of the "aluminum panel Facade" reconstructed by Hangzhou community with a self paid 25 million yuan?

Views:553 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2022-01-17 15:27:26 Orgin:Site

According to the city express, recently, many communities in Hangzhou have recently upgraded their community facade to an "aluminum panel Facade", which has aroused a lot of local repercussions. What magic power does the "aluminum panel Facade" in the mouth of Hangzhou owners make everyone flock to it, and even need to be transformed at the expense of crowdfunding?



Due to repeated water seepage of the outer wall, the community that has been delivered for 6 years plans to replace the aluminum plate outer wall

Shenglu community in Binjiang District, which was delivered around 2016, plans to change the facade of all buildings from the original coating layer to aluminum plate in the near future, because according to the owner's reaction, the facade appeared water seepage, hollowing and falling off soon after the delivery of the community. The construction unit has maintained for many times, including partial eradication and re coating, but it can not solve the fundamental problem.


It is understood that the thermal insulation material of the outer wall of the community uses inorganic thermal insulation mortar. At that time, Zhejiang had promoted this kind of external wall thermal insulation material, but it has been proved that this material is not suitable for rainy southern areas, and is gradually abandoned in the market. It can also be seen from the scene that the beige outer wall of the community has many repair traces of different depths. The use of aluminum curtain wall is to fundamentally solve the problem of leakage and prevent the accident of material falling off and hurting people.

The staff of the construction unit expects that the overall cost of replacing aluminum plate on the facade of Shenglu community will be more than 25 million yuan. Fortunately, the community is a staff house, and the transformation cost is mainly borne by the company.



Before the house was delivered, the owners began to "crowdfunding aluminum plate"


The owners of Shenglu community are lucky, but if it is a commercial housing community, if the owners want to carry out similar transformation, every family has to pay. Nevertheless, there are still communities that "advance one after another" to replace the aluminum plate facade at the expense of crowdfunding. XinPan Wangtao Yueming, located in Xiaoshan District, was just wound up last month. The owners have launched a crowdfunding aluminum plate vote in the wechat group on the grounds of "improving appearance and protecting house prices".

At present, the common facade materials in Hangzhou new house market mainly include real stone paint, dry hanging aluminum plate, dry hanging stone, etc. Generally speaking, the cost of dry hanging aluminum plate is higher than real stone paint, and dry hanging stone is higher than dry hanging aluminum plate. In the context of the price limit of new houses in Hangzhou, fewer and fewer buildings use aluminum plate and stone facade. Most of the new houses are made of real stone paint or coating facade. Although the transformation cost is not low, many owners are more worried that this will affect the quality of the real estate and further affect the house price of the community. Therefore, before the real estate is delivered, they raise money from the owners, The facade should be upgraded to "aluminum plate".


”More than one company needs to raise funds to transform the facade before delivery. Recently, several new owners have followed suit. For example, there is a new site in Gongshu District. The last batch of houses has not yet started to wave numbers, which is equivalent to that they are still in the sales stage. Some owners have issued a "survey and voting announcement on the upgrading of real stone paint aluminum plate" in the group.




The price gap is huge, why choose aluminum panel facade?


Insiders engaged in the architectural design industry said that the price of local exterior wall materials in Hangzhou is more than 100 yuan / m2 for paint, more than 150 yuan / m2 for real stone paint, and about 700 yuan / m2 for aluminum plate, which is still a big price difference. But even so, the owners in Hangzhou would rather pay out of their own pocket and insist on upgrading. What is the magic of the aluminum facade?

First of all, of course, the appearance. After surface treatment, the aluminum plate will have a metallic luster and shine in the sun, making the whole building more quality and high-end.


Secondly, the aluminum plates used in high-end houses and high-end buildings are usually high-performance fluorocarbon sprayed aluminum, with a layer of fluorocarbon coating on the surface, which has corrosion resistance. It has many advantages, such as oxidation resistance, acid rain resistance, ultraviolet resistance, high self-cleaning and long service life, which can not only achieve the effect of decoration, but also protect the main body of the building.


Finally, there is the problem of safety and environmental protection. Due to the use of aluminum plate for sealing, the exposure of air conditioning pipes and water pipes will also be solved, and there will be no water seepage, hollowing and falling off. Moreover, compared with wall tiles and coatings, aluminum plate has better thermal insulation, heat insulation and anti permeability performance, and has the advantages of energy conservation and environmental protection. In addition, the external wall of aluminum plate is fixed on the steel keel, and before the aluminum plate is put on the wall, it will conduct stress analysis through software modeling, and there are basically no potential safety hazards in the upgrading process.

It has many advantages. From Dubai Princess tower to Hong Kong Tianhui to Tomson Yipin, many landmark buildings around the world adopt aluminum plate facade. In China, aluminum plate facade has become the standard configuration of "luxury house".

The material of this paper comes from the network, which is made of aluminum.
