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The Creative Application of Aluminum Plates in Kindergartens

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Kindergarten is the first stop for shaping and cultivating children's personality, and improving their understanding of the world. For children, this place needs a small town more than just a row of classrooms... Surrounded by green trees, buildings rise gently and the space blooms endlessly, allowing children to enjoy themselves. Here are 5 good kindergarten designs for appreciation~

01. Haihua Kindergarten Yong'an Branch

Location: Shenzhen/Design: Shenzhen Kaipu Junmeng Interior Design Co., Ltd

Haihua Kindergarten Yong'an Branch is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and was built by Jindi Real Estate. It is a public kindergarten directly under the Yantian District Education Bureau. The park covers an area of 3634 square meters, with a building area of 4416 square meters and a school scale of 12 classes.


Based on the educational philosophy of "Mountains, Seas, Stars, Harmony and Coexistence" in the park, provide specific contexts for each scene. The play area, ecological area, and game area are all available to achieve a basic balance between functionality and area. Further expand the internal space and form a modular layout plan.

Create a quiet and natural courtyard space, connected to the entrance hall, providing the first environmental opportunity for children to get close to nature, and expressing the educational attitude of coexistence between the kindergarten and the natural ecology. The green trees that grow towards the sun stand tall in the courtyard, and the slides spin down to embellish it, creating a smooth environmental connection between the city and nature.

Reasonably layout the physical expansion area, connect the climbing game area with the wide sports track, and form a complete sports chain. By using both hands and feet, children can learn about their bodies through exercise and achieve more comprehensive development of their physical functions.

Indoor cabinet design should be increased as much as possible, and the principle of nearby storage should be emphasized to maintain a clean and orderly environment. It is a detailed infiltration of educational value and a reasonable consideration based on site efficiency. Ecological kindergarten design endows the environment with a warm, friendly, and comfortable atmosphere experience. This is not only a gaming venue, but also a learning venue full of educational significance.


02. Children's Home - Haibei Kindergarten Renovation

Location: Shenzhen/Design: Diagonal Architecture

Haibei Kindergarten is less than 2 kilometers away from Qianhai Bay and is enclosed in a high-density residential area with a mixed style, with an L-shaped layout. Now returning to kindergarten itself, it is manifested through the sorting of geometric relationships in form. On this basis, reshape the porch and garden to establish spatial fluidity and comfort.


The first floor is defined as the "living room", and the entrance's originally vague shaped ceiling and columns have been cut off. The glass wall of the entrance has been removed, making it completely open, penetrating the front and rear courtyards. The original office space has been adjusted to the upper floor, and a sound studio and picture book library have been arranged around this open hall. The picture book library is no longer a corner, but a large space that can be flexibly opened and closed, facing the south park and the west courtyard.

The indoor platform and stairs open towards the garden, allowing children to sit on the ground or have small rooms embedded within. Through nesting, static games, interactions, and reading are integrated to form a diverse social scale.


The exterior wall of the picture book library was originally a building facade facing the city, with a certain height difference from the street. By opening up this boundary and creating a climate friendly eaves space through corridors, the space gradually rises from the courtyard to the reading space, providing the possibility of extending the indoor space while also allowing light, wind, nature, and various activities to permeate each other.

The back side was originally a narrow and dim corridor. After the wall was opened up, some "small windows" that could be viewed from each other were inserted through the modular bookshelf, enriching the experience of the front and rear spaces while also allowing light to enter the corridor.

Above the entrance hall, there was originally a closed art room, but after demolition, it became a front and rear transparent activity platform. With the help of this platform, we implanted a set of vertical crawlers, which were connected to the third floor slab to form a circular game space.

03. Lanwan Kindergarten

Location: Shanghai/Design: ECADI Ding Shun Team

Shanghai Lanwan Kindergarten is located in the outskirts of Fengxian District and is the first public kindergarten in the Lanwan area of Lingang. The total construction area is 8735.58 square meters.


The design is based on the concept of the Forest Cloud House, aiming to create a paradise for children to grow freely and face nature, and to promote the application of new teaching concepts in the space.


After multi-mode comparison and selection, a staggered layout with rich layers and orderly changes was adopted, and after multiple rounds of detailed sunshine calculation and functional streamline sorting, the challenges of sunshine and functionality in high-density cities were comprehensively solved.


The spatial layout pattern of alternating reality and virtuality incorporates sunlight, greenery, and breeze, allowing children to experience the fragrance of the soil and the natural atmosphere.

The simple and bright design of the large space activity room provides a good space for future furniture layout and flexible use, and effectively controls decoration costs. The combination of skylight, french window, high window, color window and small window allows children to see the external scene from different vision heights. Light falls into the room through the skylight, bringing about changes in light and shadow.

04. Museum Forest: Shenzhen Second Kindergarten

Location: Guangdong/Design: Xu Yunchao Architecture Studio (Shenzhen General Institute)

The Second Kindergarten of Shenzhen is located in the center of Tongxinling Community, on the west bank of Litchi Park, far away from the bustling city and shaded by green trees.


Architects have always adhered to the design philosophy of "designing around children". Within the tight and limited land, we aim to create a fun and vibrant growth paradise for teachers and students through a series of innovative design techniques. This includes a forest campus surrounded by nature, an art garden with flowing light and shadow, and a green, low-carbon, and healthy home.

In the center of the campus, the new building and the old school building together enclose an oval shaped courtyard, which can host various large-scale public events. The spatial connectivity system integrates the entire campus and consists of three forms.


The elliptical ring corridor with no wind and rain shading space on the first floor, the aerial corridor connecting the new and old school buildings on the second floor, and the aerial activity platform surrounding each classroom are interwoven and connected. Children can freely move around the campus from the moment they enter, free from the interference of sun and rain.

According to the average height of children's line of sight, through precise spatial design, children can easily look at nature from various angles in the building, forming a borderless campus interface in terms of psychological perception.


05. Shenzhen Bilongwan Kindergarten Renovation

Location: Shenzhen/Design: Bu Ye Design Studio

The Bi Rong Wan Kindergarten has only one main building. After years of use and renovation, the external form of the building is out of proportion, the volume is chaotic, the color is poor, and there are also many problems inside.


The design concept of exterior facade renovation serves as a narrative thread to integrate and complete the design of various local spaces. This design strategy significantly reduces communication costs in the early stages, allowing the park to understand the architect's design intentions from a macro perspective and quickly advance the plan.


Based on the name of the kindergarten and the self proclaimed "big and small banyan children" of the teachers and students, the concept of "warm banyan forest day" is proposed. The main color of the facade is changed to deep brown and dark green symbolizing banyan trees, while retaining the orange decoration symbolizing sunrise designed by the kindergarten.

The soft yellow EPDM floor not only protects children's activity safety, but also enhances indoor corridor brightness through diffuse reflection of light. The exterior walls between the platform and the corridor have been replaced with transparent floor to ceiling doors and windows, which not only bring outdoor scenery and sunlight into the building, but also connect the indoor and outdoor areas to form a circular flow, attracting children to explore on the outdoor platform spontaneously.
