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One article to introduce you to the grades and classifications of aluminum

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Aluminum grades and classifications

According to the content of aluminum and other elements in aluminum alloys:

1、Pure aluminum: Pure aluminum is divided into three categories based on its purity: high-purity aluminum, industrial high-purity aluminum, and industrial pure aluminum. The purity of industrial pure aluminum ranges from 99.7% to 98.8%, with six grades including L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, and L6.

2、Aluminum alloy: Adding alloying elements to pure aluminum results in aluminum alloy. According to the processing characteristics of aluminum alloys, they can be divided into two categories: deformed aluminum alloys and cast aluminum alloys. Deformable aluminum alloy has good plasticity and is suitable for pressure processing. Deformable aluminum alloys can be divided into four types based on their performance characteristics and applications: rust proof aluminum (LF), hard aluminum (LY), ultra hard aluminum (LC), and forged aluminum (LD). Cast aluminum alloys are divided into four types based on the main alloying elements added: aluminum silicon (AL Si), aluminum copper (AI Cu), aluminum magnesium (AI Mg), and aluminum zinc (AI Zn).

The main aluminum alloy grades are: 1024, 2011, 6060, 6063, 6061, 6082, 7075

Aluminum grade:

Series 1: Pure Aluminum (with an aluminum content of not less than 99.00%)

Series 2: Aluminum alloys with copper as the main alloying element

Series 3: Aluminum alloys with manganese as the main alloying element

Series 4: Aluminum alloys with silicon as the main alloying element

Series 5: Aluminum alloys with magnesium as the main alloying element

series 6: Aluminum alloys with magnesium as the main alloying element and Mg2Si phase as the strengthening phase

Series 7: Aluminum alloys with zinc as the main alloying element

series 8: Aluminum alloys with other elements as the main alloying elements

Series 9: Backup Alloy

The second letter of the brand indicates the modification of the original pure aluminum or aluminum alloy, and the last two digits indicate that the last two digits of the brand identify different aluminum alloys in the same group or indicate the purity of aluminum.

The last two digits of the 1 series brand are expressed as the percentage of the lowest aluminum content. The second letter of the brand indicates the modification of the original pure aluminum.

The last two digits of the 2-8 series grades have no special meaning and are only used to distinguish between different aluminum alloys within the same group. The second letter of the brand indicates the modification of the original pure aluminum.

二、The state of aluminum and aluminum alloys

The code Fxx is: Free processing state Oxx is: Annealing state Hxx is: Work hardening state Wxx is: Solid fusion heat treatment state Txx is: Heat treatment state (different from F, 0, H state) * The subdivision state of Hxx: The first digit after H represents the basic processing sequence to obtain this state.

H1: Simple work hardening state H2: Work hardening and incomplete annealing state H3: Work hardening and stabilization treatment state H4: Work hardening and painting treatment state H The second digit after H represents the degree of work hardening of the product. For example, 0-9 represents the increasing hardness of work hardening. The rolling of aluminum alloy plates and strips can be divided into hot rolling, warm rolling (medium temperature rolling), and cold rolling according to the rolling temperature. According to the arrangement of rolling mills, it can be divided into single stand rolling, semi continuous rolling, and continuous rolling.

Classification of Aluminum Coil Thickness:

Thickness greater than 80mm is called extra thick plate, thickness between 4-80mm is called thick plate, thickness between 0.2-4.0mm is called thin plate, and thickness less than 0.2mm is called aluminum foil.

The calculation method for the length of aluminum coil: weight 1000kg - aluminum density (2.71) - width - thickness=length per ton of aluminum coil.

Characteristics and Applications of Aluminum Alloy Materials:

One series: The 1000 series aluminum alloy represents 1050, 1060, 1100, which is the series with the highest aluminum content among all series. The purity can reach over 99.00%. Due to the absence of other technical elements, the production process is relatively simple and the price is relatively cheap, making it a commonly used series in conventional industry. Currently, the majority of products in circulation on the market are the 1050 and 1060 series. The minimum aluminum content of the 1000 series aluminum plate is determined based on the last two Arabic numerals. For example, the last two Arabic numerals of the 1050 series are 50. According to international brand naming principles, the aluminum content must be above 99.5% to be a qualified product. The technical standard for aluminum alloys in China (GB/T3880-2006) also specifies that the aluminum content of 1050 must reach 99.5%. Similarly, the aluminum content of 1060 series aluminum plates must reach 99.6% or more.

Second series: 2000 series aluminum alloy represents 2024, 2A16 (LY16), 2A02 (LY6)

The 2000 series is characterized by high hardness, with copper having the highest content, approximately 3-5%. The 2000 series belongs to aviation aluminum materials and is currently not commonly used in conventional industries.

Three series: 3000 series aluminum alloy representative 3003, 3A21

The 3000 series is mainly composed of manganese element. The content is between 1.0-1.5, making it a series with good rust prevention function. Four series: The 4000 series is represented by 4A01.

The 4000 series belongs to the series with high silicon content. The silicon content is usually between 4.5-6.0%. Belonging to building materials, mechanical parts, forging materials, and welding materials. Low melting point, good corrosion resistance, and possessing characteristics of heat resistance and wear resistance;

Five series: 5000 series aluminum alloy represents 5052, 5005, 5083, 5A055000 series, which belong to the commonly used alloy aluminum plate series. The main element is magnesium, with a magnesium content between 3-5%. Also known as aluminum magnesium alloy. The main characteristics are low density, high tensile strength, high elongation, good fatigue strength, but it cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. Under the same area, the weight of aluminum magnesium alloy is lower than other series, and it is also widely used in conventional industry. The 5000 series aluminum plate is one of the more mature aluminum plate series in China;

Six series: The 6000 series aluminum alloy represents the 6061 and 60636000 series, mainly containing magnesium and silicon elements, thus combining the advantages of the 4000 and 5000 series. 6061 is a cold treated aluminum forging product, suitable for applications with high requirements for corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance. Good usability, easy coating, and good processability. Seven series: 7000 series aluminum alloy representative 7075;

The 7000 series mainly contains zinc element. Also belonging to the aviation series, it is an aluminum magnesium zinc copper alloy, a heat treatable alloy, and a superhard aluminum alloy with good wear resistance and weldability, but poor corrosion resistance. At present, we mainly rely on imports, and our country's production technology still needs to be improved;

Eight series: The commonly used 8000 series aluminum alloy is 8011, with most applications being aluminum;

Nine series: 9000 series aluminum alloy is a backup alloy.
