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Expert Interpretation | Promoting Green and Low Carbon Development in the Electrolytic Aluminum Industry with Higher Quality through Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Renovation and Energy Using Equipment Renewal

Views:64 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2024-07-30 14:07:52 Orgin:Site

The electrolytic aluminum industry is an important basic raw material industry for the development of the national economy, and it is also a key energy consuming and emission industry in the non-ferrous industry. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly issued the "Special Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Electrolytic Aluminum Industry" (NDRC Huanzi [2024] No. 972, hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), which elaborates on the deployment of energy-saving and carbon reduction renovations and energy equipment updates in the electrolytic aluminum industry, deeply explores the potential for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the industry, and supports the achievement of the "14th Five Year Plan" energy intensity reduction constraint indicators.

1、 Fully understand the important significance of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry

(1) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry is an important lever for developing new quality productivity. Actively promoting energy-saving and carbon reduction actions in the electrolytic aluminum industry, advancing energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation and upgrading of energy consuming equipment, accelerating the improvement of energy-saving technology in the electrolytic aluminum smelting industry, is conducive to promoting the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the industry, and further enhancing the global competitiveness of China's electrolytic aluminum industry.

(2) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry is an important way to actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The main paths for the green and low-carbon development of the electrolytic aluminum industry include energy efficiency improvement, resource recycling, and coordinated industrial development. Energy efficiency improvement is currently the most important, economical, and direct means to effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Actively promoting energy-saving and carbon reduction actions in the electrolytic aluminum industry can effectively improve energy utilization efficiency, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, promote energy consumption structure optimization and green low-carbon development, and lay a solid foundation for actively and steadily promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

(3) Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry is an important support for achieving the "14th Five Year Plan" energy conservation and carbon reduction goals. China is a major producer and consumer of electrolytic aluminum, and the electrolytic aluminum industry is a key area of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in China. Actively promoting energy-saving and carbon reduction actions in the electrolytic aluminum industry, ensuring the entry of new projects, implementing energy-saving and carbon reduction renovations for existing projects, is of great significance in supporting the achievement of the "14th Five Year Plan" energy-saving and carbon reduction goals.

2、 Key tasks for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry through system deployment

To accelerate the energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation of the electrolytic aluminum industry, the Action Plan deploys five key tasks from the aspects of capacity regulation, energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation, non fossil energy substitution, industrial green development, and digital upgrading.

(1) Optimize industrial layout and capacity regulation. In 2017, China set a "ceiling" for the annual production capacity of electrolytic aluminum, gradually phasing out outdated electrolytic aluminum production capacity through the implementation of a policy of equal capacity replacement. The Action Plan further strengthens relevant requirements, proposes to strictly implement the policy of replacing electrolytic aluminum production capacity, and no longer add electrolytic aluminum production capacity in key areas for air pollution prevention and control; On this basis, strict requirements for energy efficiency and environmental protection access for new projects must be implemented. New and expanded electrolytic aluminum projects must meet energy efficiency benchmark levels and environmental performance A-level levels, and the main energy consuming equipment must reach advanced energy efficiency levels

(2) Vigorously promote energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation. At present, about 10% of China's electrolytic aluminum production capacity still has energy efficiency below the benchmark level, and some electrolytic aluminum enterprises still have a large number of old equipment, which has great potential for energy conservation and carbon reduction. The Action Plan proposes the promotion of efficient and stable aluminum electrolysis, optimization of electrolytic cell operation, and other energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation technologies for electrolytic aluminum, as well as the promotion of high-efficiency rectification equipment, intelligent cell control systems, online monitoring equipment, and other energy consuming equipment updates. It clarifies the specific implementation path for energy-saving and carbon reduction transformation in the electrolytic aluminum industry.

(3) Implement non fossil energy substitution. Preliminary statistics show that by the end of 2023, the proportion of renewable energy for electrolytic aluminum in China will be about 24.4%, an increase of 13 percentage points from 2015. The Action Plan actively supports electrolytic aluminum enterprises to further expand the application of non fossil energy, encourages the increase of renewable energy consumption through green certificate and green electricity trading, the construction of renewable energy power generation projects, and puts forward clear requirements for the proportion of clean transportation in the industry.

(4) Promote the coordinated green development of the industrial chain. The Action Plan encourages electrolytic aluminum enterprises to extend their industrial chain, accelerate the development of high-end green products such as aluminum alloy materials, support the development of the recycled aluminum industry, improve the aluminum product recycling system, encourage cross industry process, technology, and process synergy development, form more innovative low-carbon manufacturing processes and process reengineering, and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of the electrolytic aluminum industry chain.

(5) Promote digital and intelligent upgrading. The digital and intelligent upgrade can effectively reduce power consumption in the production process and significantly improve production efficiency. The Action Plan supports enterprises to carry out intelligent upgrading and transformation of electrolytic aluminum production lines, promote the application of digital intelligent electrolytic cells, intelligent detection and other digital intelligent technologies, support the construction of energy management systems, and further strengthen information collection, measurement monitoring, intelligent analysis and fine management in the production and operation process.

3、 Strengthening policy guarantees and providing strong support for the in-depth implementation of special actions

Promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry involves multiple aspects such as technological innovation, renovation and renewal, and circular utilization, and further policy support and guarantee are needed. The Action Plan further strengthens policy funding and other guarantee measures to promote the in-depth implementation of special actions. One is to strengthen incentives and constraints. Support enterprises that meet energy efficiency and environmental performance standards to reasonably release production capacity, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of enterprises with energy efficiency below the benchmark level or environmental performance level C. Continue to strictly implement the tiered electricity pricing system in the electrolytic aluminum industry. The second is to increase policy support. By comprehensively utilizing government investment, tax incentives, green finance, and other means, we will provide financial support for energy-saving and carbon reduction renovation projects, as well as energy equipment renewal projects in the electrolytic aluminum industry that meet the conditions. The third is to promote the upgrading of standards. Strictly implement the energy consumption limit standard for electrolytic aluminum unit products, establish and improve the carbon emission standard system for the electrolytic aluminum industry, and accelerate technological innovation. Strengthen the research and development of advanced energy-saving and carbon reducing technologies in the electrolytic aluminum industry, accelerate technology research and development, and transform achievements.

4、 Strengthen organizational implementation to ensure the implementation of various tasks in special actions

To promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in the electrolytic aluminum industry, it is necessary to fully leverage the strength of relevant departments, regions, institutions, and industry enterprises, strengthen overall coordination, and form a working force. The Action Plan proposes work requirements from four aspects: organizational leadership, project implementation, supervision and management, and publicity and guidance. Relevant departments should strengthen coordination and cooperation to jointly ensure the implementation and refinement of various goals and tasks; Each region should refine measures, decompose tasks, and consolidate responsibilities based on actual conditions, deepen energy efficiency diagnosis, strengthen project reserves and construction, strictly implement supervision and management, and effectively implement action plans. Industry associations, think tanks, and research institutions should fully leverage the role of industry research as a "bridge" and strengthen service guidance for electrolytic aluminum enterprises. State owned enterprises and leading enterprises should play a leading and driving role, jointly creating a good atmosphere to promote the green and low-carbon development of the electrolytic aluminum industry.

(Author: Jia Mingxing, Standing Committee Member and Executive Vice President of the Party Committee of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association)
