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Opening soon! What you must know about the competition venues when going to Paris to watch the Olympics (Part 1)

Views:126 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2024-07-15 14:59:54 Orgin:Site

The quadrennial international sports event, the 2024 Paris (Summer) Olympics, is about to grandly open on July 26th. The last time the Olympics were held in Paris was exactly 100 years ago in 1924. If you have the opportunity, time, and financial resources to attend this Olympic event live, you may want to first understand the overview of the venues (venues) for each competition to have a clear idea.


Seine River & Palais de Chaillot

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games will be held outside a sports stadium for the first time in history. With the aim of "hosted by athletes, hosted for athletes", 10500 athletes and delegations from various countries or regions will take more than 160 boats to march 6 kilometers on the Seine River, starting from the Austerlitz Bridge near the Paris Botanical Garden, then crossing the center of Paris from east to west, and finally ending at the Summer Palace where traditional Olympic ceremonies and cultural performances will be held.


▲Opening Ceremony Parade Scene Sketch



▲The Seine

▲Palais de Chaillot


Aquatics Centre

Venue location: Saint Denis

Venue nature: permanent

Audience capacity: approximately 5000 seats

Construction time: 2024

Architectural Design: Ateliers 2/3/4 from France+VenhoevenCs from the Netherlands

Competition events: synchronized swimming, diving, and water polo


Bercy Arena

Venue location: Paris venue

Nature: Permanent

Audience capacity: over 20000 seats

Built in 1984

Architectural Design: Andraut&Parat

Competition events: Basketball, Gymnastics, Trampoline


Bordeaux Stadium

Venue location: Bordeaux

Venue nature: permanent

Audience capacity: over 40000 seats

Built in 2015

Architectural Design: Herz0g&De Meuron

Competition Event: Football


Champ de Mars Arena

Venue location: Paris venue

Nature: Temporary (to be demolished in autumn 2024)

Audience capacity: over 8000 seats

Construction time: 2024

Architectural Design: Jean Michel Wilmotte

Competition events: Judo, Wrestling


Chateau de VersaillesEtoile Royale Esplanade

Venue location: Versailles

Venue nature: Temporary (dismantled after the Olympics)

Audience capacity: 40000 seats

Construction time: 2024

Competition events: Equestrian, Modern Pentathlon


Chateauroux Shooting Centre

Venue location: Shatolu

Venue nature: permanent

Audience capacity: 3000 seats

Built in 2018

Architectural Design:L'Heudé etL'Heudé Architects

Competition Event: Shooting


Eiffel Tower Stadium

Venue location: Paris

Venue nature: Temporary (dismantled after the Olympics)

Audience capacity: approximately 13000 seats

Construction time: 2024

Competition Event: Beach Volleyball


Geoffroy-Guichard Stadium

Venue location: Saint Etienne

Venue nature: permanent

Audience capacity: over 40000 seats

Built in 1931

Architectural Design: Étienne Thierry Meyer & Michael Saidoun

Competition Event: Football


Grand Palais

Venue location: Paris city center

Venue nature: permanent

Audience capacity: approximately 8000 seats

Built in 1900

Architectural Design: Henri Deglane & Albert Louvet& Albert Thomas & Charles Girault

Competition events: Fencing, Taekwondo


HÃtel de Ville(square)

Venue location: Paris city center

Venue nature: permanent

Built in 1871

Architectural Design: Théodore Ballu &Edouard Deperthes

Competition event: Marathon (starting point)
